1 - cms

Selected Tutorials for cloudmesh shell

1.1 - Using Shell.download to Download Files

Using Shell to download files that can be potentially very large in python.

Learning Objectives

  • Install cloudmesh.common
  • Use Shell.download from cloudmesh-common to download files from the internet.


  • python3 --version > 3.8

Topics covered

Python 3 venv

Best practice is to use a venv in python to isolate your custom python instalation:

$ python3 -m venv ~/ENV3
$ source ~/ENV3/bin/activate 


$ ~/ENV3/Scripts/activate.exe

in Windows gitbash.

Installation of cloudmesh.commn

Install cloudmesh-common with:

pip install -U pip
pip install cloudmesh-common

Usage of Shell.download

Shell.download leverages the streaming capabilities of the requests library for large files.

Example download of image where underlying downloader is requests:

$ python3
Python 3.9.4 (v3.9.4:1f2e3088f3, Apr  4 2021, 12:32:44)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from cloudmesh.common.Shell import Shell
>>> file_url = 'https://github.com/cloudmesh/pi/blob/main/content/en/tutorial/example/featured-image.png?raw=true'
>>> destination = '~/Desktop/image.png'
>>> Shell.download(file_url, destination)
/users/you/Desktop/image.png: 100%|#########| 22.6k/22.6k [00:00<00:00, 3.58MB/s]

Configuring the Download Cache

Shell.download only downloads if the filename in the destination does not already exist. If you like to change the behavior and ignore it, you need to use the force parameter.

Shell.download(file_url, destination, force=True)

Different Providers for Shell.download

Example where provider is system. Cloudmesh Shell will first try to use wget then curl (if wget fails)

$ python3
Python 3.9.4 (v3.9.4:1f2e3088f3, Apr  4 2021, 12:32:44)
[Clang 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> from cloudmesh.common.Shell import Shell
>>> file_url = 'https://github.com/cloudmesh/pi/blob/main/content/en/tutorial/example/featured-image.png?raw=true'
>>> destination = '~/Desktop/image.png'
>>> Shell.download(file_url, destination, provider='system')
sh: wget: command not found
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   153  100   153    0     0    467      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   467
100   164  100   164    0     0    379      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--   379
100 22590  100 22590    0     0  43694      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 43694
INFO: Used curl

We can see here that Shell.download uses curl and not wget. This is because the example system did not have wget as a terminal ('system') command installed.

Installing other Download Programs

Your OS typically has defined mechanisms to install commands such as curl and wget. If they are not installed. Shell.download will use Python requests automatically. If you like to use wget r curl you need to install them.

On Ubuntu you can fro example say

$ sudo apt install wget


$ sudo apt install curl

Please find the method that works for your system, or use the default method which does not require a third party provider.

The order of the providers is defined as

  1. wget
  2. curl
  3. Python requests

We use wget and curl first as many OS have optimized versions of them.

2 - Git

Selected tutorials that make the use of GitHub easy.

2.1 - Git pull requst

We provide a practical guide on how to do GitHub pull requests from the commandline and the GUI for this Web site.

It is very easy to help us modifying the Web Site through GitHub pull requests. We demonstrate this via the commandline and via the GitHub GUI.

The commandline can be run form any computer with Linux, Windows, and macOS. ON Windows you need to install gitbash and use that. THis way you have a commandline terminal that just works like on LInux and OSX.

Github Pull Request via the commandline

9:15 min

Github Pull Request via the GitHub GUI

2.2 - Adding a SSH Key for GitHub Repository

Scary SSH Keys are Now a Breeze

Jacques Fleischer, Gregor von Laszewski


We present how to configure an SSH Key on GitHub so that you can clone, commit, pull, and push to repositories. SSH keys provide an easy way to authenticate to github. Together with ssh-agent and ssh-add it allows you to do multiple commtits without having to retype the password.


Keywords: ssh

Documentation for Linux and macOS

Please follow the Windows documentation, but instaed of using gitbash, pleas use the regular terminal. on macOS, make sure you have xcode installed.

Uploading the SSH key

Please ensure that you have Git (Git Bash) and a repository on GitHub. This tutorial assumes you already have a GitHub repository as well as a GitHub account.

  1. Open Git Bash by pressing the Windows key, typing git bash, and pressing Enter.

  2. Then, go on GitHub, click on your profile icon in the top right, click Settings, and click SSH and GPG keys on the left hand side. Confirm that there are no SSH keys associated with your account. If there are keys, then perhaps you have made some already. This tutorial focuses on creating a new one.

  3. Go back to Git Bash and type ssh-keygen. Press Enter. Press Enter again when it asks you the file in which to save the key (it should say Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa):.

    1. If you have already created a key here, it will ask you if you would like to overwrite the file. Type y and press Enter.
  4. Enter a password that you will remember for your SSH key. It will not appear as you type it, so make sure you get it right the first time. Press Enter after typing the password that you come up with.

  5. After seeing the randomart image associated with your SSH, you should be able to type a new command. Type cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and press Enter. Your key will appear— remember that this should not be shared with others. The key begins with ssh-rsa and it may end with your username. Copy this entire key by clicking and dragging over it, right-clicking, and clicking Copy.

  6. Return to your web browser which is on the GitHub SSH key settings page. Click the green button that reads New SSH Key and type a Title for this key. You should name it something memorable and distinct; for example, if you just generated the key on your desktop computer, a suitable name is Desktop. If generated on your laptop, name it Laptop, or if you have numerous laptops, differentiate them with distinct names, and so on.

    1. If you only have one computer and you have preexisting keys on this page, maybe some which you do not remember the password to or have fallen out of use, consider deleting them (as long as you are sure this will not break anything).
  7. Paste the key into the key box. You should have copied it from Git Bash in Step #5. Then, click the green button that reads Add SSH key. Congratulations— you have successfully configured your SSH key.

Using the ssh key

Now we will try cloning a repository. We use as an example a repository that we created for a student from a REU. Your example may be different. please adjust the repository name. Your repository will have a format of xxxx-reu-xxx

  1. Navigate to your repository and cd into it. (In case of the REU we recommend to place it into a directory called cybertraining-dsc.

    $ mkdir ~/Descktop/cybertraining-dsc 
    $ cd cybertraining-dsc
    $ git clone git@github.com:cybertraining-dsc/YOURREPONAME.git

    and replace YOURREPONAME with the name of your repository

  2. Alternatively you can download it via the GitHub Web GUI. Once you are on your repository page, click the green button that reads Code with a download symbol. Click the SSH option and click on the clipboard next to the link so that you copy it. It should say Copied! after you click on it.

  3. Decide where you want your repository folder to be stored. This tutorial will clone the repo into the Documents folder. Go back to Git Bash and type cd ~/Desktop/cybertraining-dsc and press Enter. It is a good idea to create a folder titled reu for organization. Type mkdir reu and press Enter. Type cd reu and press Enter. Finally, type git clone, and after you put a space after clone, paste the copied link from GitHub. For example, your command should look similar to this: git clone git@github.com:cybertraining-dsc/su21-reu-361.git Then, press Enter.

    1. The shortcut Ctrl + V does not work in Git Bash for pasting. Instead, you can press Shift + Insert to paste.
  4. Type in your password for your SSH key and press Enter. The repo should clone with no issue. You can now type code . and press Enter to open VSCode in this directory. Click Yes, I trust the authors if prompted in VSCode. If you use PyCharm instead of VSCode, you can open it from Windows search; inside of PyCharm, click File, Open... and then navigate to C:, Users, your username, Documents, and then click on reu so it is highlighted in blue and then click OK. If PyCharm asks, you can choose to open it in This Window or a New Window.

Using ssh-agent and ssh-add

If you do not want to always type in your password you can prior to the first commit in the termnal in which you issue the commits say

$ eval `ssh-agent`
$ ssh-add

2.3 - GitHub gh Command Line Interface

A brief tutorial on the installation and usage of the GitHub gh CLI

Figure 1: GitHub Command gh.

GitHub provides an extended gh commandline tool that allow easy interaction of forking repositories directly from github. IT also provides additional fimctionality to interact with other advanced features that are typically not provided in the git command tool.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to install the gh command
  • Learn how to use the gh command

Topics covered

1. Introduction

The new GitHub gh command allows GitHub users to work from the terminal of their machine without having to visit the web browser GUI to manage things like issues, PRs, and forking. We will show you what features it provides and how to use it. The gh command provides useful features that is not provided by the `git commandline tool.

2. Installing GitHub gh command

Visit the GitHub CLI homepage at https://cli.github.com/ for installation instructions. We recommend that you check out the source distribution because We found that whne we did this tutorial not all features were included in the brew instalation. We assume ths will cahnge over time and you may soon be able to just use the bre install on LInux and MacOs.

On mac, you can use the following command with Brew:

brew install gh

For Windows useser, please follow the install instructions fro Winodws.

3. Logging in with GitHub gh Command

It is best practice to be using SSH-keys with GitHub. Create one if you have not already with the following command:


We recommend t use the the default location.

To authenticate with the GitHub gh comamand, run the following command. We have included the answers to the interactive prompts used for this guide.

gh auth login

What account do you want to log into? GitHub.com
? What account do you want to log into? GitHub.com
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations? SSH
? Upload your SSH public key to your GitHub account? ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: 1234-1A11
- Press Enter to open github.com in your browser...

3.1 Adding Additional Keys

IN acse you work with multiple computers it is advisable to add your keys from these machines also. We demonstarte the interaction to upload the key from a new machine.

newmachine$ gh ssh-key add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 
Error: insufficient OAuth scopes to list SSH keys
Run the following to grant scopes: gh auth refresh -s write:public_key
newmachine$ gh auth refresh -s write:public_key

! First copy your one-time code: 4C2D-E896
- Press Enter to open github.com in your browser... 
✓ Authentication complete. Press Enter to continue...

newmachine$ gh ssh-key add ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub   
✓ Public key added to your account

4. Forking

We can easily create a fork of a repo with the following:

gh repo fork

This is useful for when you do not have write access to the original repository.

5. Pull Requests

We can create a pull request easily as follows from a git repo:

gh pr create

The command above will ask the user where to push the branch (if it does not already exist on the remote). It will also offer the option to fork the initial repository. You will want to do this if you do not have write access to the original repo.

Once created, you may view the status of the PR with the following:

gh pr status

Reviewers can checkout your pull request to verify changes as follows:

gh pr checkout {PR NUMBER}

The reviewer can then approve the PR as follows:

gh pr review --approve

Subsequently, the PR can be merged as follows:

gh pr merge {PR NUMBER}

You may also list all pull requests with the following:

gh pr list

Finally, PRs can be closed with

gh pr close {PR NUMBER}

6. Managing Issues with GitHub gh Command

To create an issue, call the following:

gh issue create --title="Bug 1" --body="description"

We can also check the status of issues relevant to use with:

gh issue status

Alternatively, we may list all open issues.

gh issue list

Finally, we may close issues with:

gh issue close {ISSUE NUMBER}

7. Manual Pages

7.1 gh

gh(1)                                                                    gh(1)

       gh - GitHub CLI

       gh   [flags]

       Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line.

       --help[=false]      Show help for command

       --version[=false]      Show gh version

              $ gh issue create
              $ gh repo clone cli/cli
              $ gh pr checkout 321

       gh-alias(1),  gh-api(1),  gh-auth(1),  gh-completion(1),  gh-config(1),
       gh-gist(1),   gh-issue(1),   gh-pr(1),    gh-release(1),    gh-repo(1),
       gh-secret(1), gh-ssh-key(1)

7.2 List of Man Pages

Tha manual pages are published at the gh manual. For mor information you can also use the man command. A full list of manual pages includes:

  • gh
  • gh-alias-delete
  • gh-alias-list
  • gh-alias-set
  • gh-alias
  • gh-api
  • gh-auth-login
  • gh-auth-logout
  • gh-auth-refresh
  • gh-auth-status
  • gh-auth
  • gh-completion
  • gh-config-get
  • gh-config-set
  • gh-config
  • gh-gist-clone
  • gh-gist-create
  • gh-gist-delete
  • gh-gist-edit
  • gh-gist-list
  • gh-gist-view
  • gh-gist
  • gh-issue-close
  • gh-issue-comment
  • gh-issue-create
  • gh-issue-delete
  • gh-issue-edit
  • gh-issue-list
  • gh-issue-reopen
  • gh-issue-status
  • gh-issue-view
  • gh-issue
  • gh-pr-checkout
  • gh-pr-checks
  • gh-pr-close
  • gh-pr-comment
  • gh-pr-create
  • gh-pr-diff
  • gh-pr-edit
  • gh-pr-list
  • gh-pr-merge
  • gh-pr-ready
  • gh-pr-reopen
  • gh-pr-review
  • gh-pr-status
  • gh-pr-view
  • gh-pr
  • gh-release-create
  • gh-release-delete
  • gh-release-download
  • gh-release-list
  • gh-release-upload
  • gh-release-view
  • gh-release
  • gh-repo-clone
  • gh-repo-create
  • gh-repo-fork
  • gh-repo-view
  • gh-repo
  • gh-secret-list
  • gh-secret-remove
  • gh-secret-set
  • gh-secret
  • gh-ssh-key-add
  • gh-ssh-key-list
  • gh-ssh-key

7. Conclusion

There are many other commands for the GitHub CLI that can be found in the gh manual, however we only include a select number of relevant commands for this guide. The commands mentioned above serve to familiarize the user with the GitHub CLI while also providing practical usage.

2.4 - GitHub hid Repository

Using the student hid directory

Figure 1: GitHub hid directory.

To contribute to our open source projects we provide you with a Git repository in which you conduct your activities.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn how to cone the repo
  • Learn how to use the rego
  • Learn how to commit and push changes to GitHub

Topics covered

1. Introduction

As part of our open source activities, you will be given a GitHub repository. To contribute to our open source projects we provide you with a Git repository in which you conduct your activities.

We will explain how you use them from the command line.

2. Prerequisites

  • On macOS we assume you have x-code installed which comes with the git command
  • line tools On Windows we assume you have gitbash installed and use git
  • through gitbash. Alternatively, you can use multipass, or WSL2 On Linux, make
  • sure you have the git command line tools installed.

3. Setting up the ssh-key

In case you have not yet set up an ssh key, you can do this with the command.

$ ssh-keygen

YOu will be asked for the default location, accept it. After that, you will be asked for a passphrase. Please choose one and make sure you do not make it empty. Often you find wrong tutorials or guidance by others that say you can leave it empty. DO NOT FOLLOW THEIR WRONG ADVICE.

Upload the content of the file

$ cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Into the GitHub portal at https://github.com/settings/keys. You will then use the SSH key to authenticate to GitHub. To not always have to type in the password you can use ssh-keychain. On Mac OS you can simply use the command

$ ssh-add

and enter your password

4. Simplify the Tutorial while using Shell Variables

To simplify the tutorial we use from here on two shell variables. The first is HID which specifies the name of your GitHub repository as found in

In our case, we use hid-example. The second variable is the name/path of the editor in which we edit commit messages for git.

$ export HID=hid-example
$ export EDITOR=emacs

5. Cloning the Repository

Let us now clone the repository, change int the checked out repository and edit the project file.

$ git clone git@github.com:cybertraining-dsc/$HID.git
$ cd $HID/project
$ $EDITOR index.md

Now let us make a modification and save the file locally.

6. Commit Changes Locally

To commit the changes locally, you use the following command. Make sure to put a commit message and specify the filename.

$ git commit -m "Improved document with this and that" index.md

7. Adding Files

To add new files you can simply use the add command and use the commit command after it.

$ git add image/newimage.png
$ git commit -m "Improved document with this and that" image/newimage.png

8. Push the commits to GitHub

GitHub as you know is a service that stores your files once you push them from your local commits to GitHub. To push the commits use the command

$ git push

8. Pulling Changes

GitHub shines when you work with multiple people together on your projects. This may be project partners or feedbacks that are placed in your documents by us. Thus, it is important that you state in synchronization with the files in GitHub. Do this use the command

$ git pull

in any directory of the repository that you have checked out. It will update any file that has changed. In case of a conflict, your file will include a text such as

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the new text from you
This is the text in the repo

You will have to remove the text between the «< and »> and replace it with the text that is correct. In the simplest case, one of the choices will be correct. However, you may have in some cases to merge the two versions.

It is important to pull frequently. It is also important to not just paste and copy the entire file, but use the command line tools and editor to conduct the change as not to overwrite other changes.

7. Conclusion

The use of git from the command line is straightforward for existing repositories. It is easy to do. Make sure to create an ssh-key and start in synchronization with frequent pulls.

3 - REU Tutorials

New: A number of smaller tutorials useful for the REU 2021.

3.1 - Installing PyCharm Professional for Free

This tutorial teaches how to get PyCharm Professional for free on Windows 10 using a university email address.


This tutorial teaches how to get PyCharm Professional for free on Windows 10 using a university email address. You can follow a similar process on Linux and macOS.


Keywords: pycharm


Click the following image to be redirected to a YouTube video tutorial for installing PyCharm Professional.

Please ensure that you qualify. This includes you having a valid educational email or be part of an open-source project. Make sure to explore the license agreements for PyCharm as they may change.

  1. Open up a web browser and search pycharm. Look under the link from jetbrains.com and click Download PyCharm.

  2. Click the blue button that reads Download under Professional. Wait for the download to complete.

  3. Open the completely downloaded file and click Yes on the UAC prompt.

    1. If you have a school computer, please refer to the note under step 5 of the Windows section in the Python tutorial found here: https://github.com/cybertraining-dsc/cybertraining-dsc.github.io/blob/main/content/en/docs/tutorial/reu/python/index.md
  4. Click Next, click Next again, and check the box that reads Add launchers dir to the PATH. You can also create a Desktop Shortcut and create the .py association if you would like. The association changes which program, by default, opens .py files on your computer.

  5. Click Next and then click Install. Wait for the green progress bar to complete. Then, you must restart your computer after making sure all of your programs are saved and closed.

  6. Open PyCharm either by clicking on the Desktop shortcut you might have made or hit the Windows key and type PyCharm and choose the program from the search results.

  7. Check the box that says I confirm that I have read and accept the terms... after agreeing to the terms.

  8. Click Continue. You can choose to send anonymous statistics, if you want to; click the option you want.

  9. Click the hyperlink that says Buy license in the top right of the window. Do not worry — you will not be spending a cent.

  10. Click the person icon in the top right of the page (if you cannot find this person icon, then click this link and hopefully, it still works: https://account.jetbrains.com/login ).

  11. Create a JetBrains account by entering your university email address. Click Sign Up after entering your email; then, you have to go on your email and confirm your account in the automated email sent to you. Click Confirm your account in the email.

  12. Complete the registration form and click Submit.

  13. Click Apply for a free student or teacher license. Scroll down and click the blue button that reads Apply now.

  14. Fill out the form using your (educational) email address and real name. Check the boxes if they apply to you. Then click APPLY FOR FREE PRODUCTS.

  15. JetBrains should send you an automated email, ideally informing you that your information has been confirmed and you have been granted a free license. If it does not arrive immediately, wait a few minutes. Go back to PyCharm and sign in with your JetBrains account after receiving this email. Click Activate. Now you can use PyCharm.

3.2 - Installing Git Bash on Windows 10

Installung Git.


This tutorial teaches how to install Git and Git Bash.


Keywords: git


Click the following image to be redirected to a YouTube video tutorial for installing Git and Git Bash. This same video also includes instructions to create a virtual Python environment, which you can do as well.

To verify whether you have Git, you can press Win + R on your desktop, type cmd, and press Enter. Then type git clone and press Enter. If you do not have Git installed, it will say 'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command...

As long as Git does not change up their website and hyperlinks, you should be able to download Git from here and skip to step 2: https://git-scm.com/downloads

  1. Open a web browser and search git. Look for the result that is from git-scm.com and click Downloads.

  2. Click Download for Windows. The download will commence. Please open the file once it is finished downloading.

  3. The UAC Prompt will appear. Click Yes because Git is a safe program. It will show you Git’s license: a GNU General Public License. Click Next.

    1. The GNU General Public License means that the program is open-source (free of charge).
  4. Click Next to confirm that C:\Program Files\Git is the directory where you want Git to be installed.

  5. Click Next unless you would like an icon for Git on the desktop (in which case you can check the box and then click Next).

  6. You will be asked several questions for the setup. We recommend the following settings:

    • Click Next to accept the text editor,
    • Click Next again to Let Git decide the default branch name
    • Click Next again to run Git from the command line and 3rd party software,
    • Click Next again to use the OpenSSL library
    • Click Next again to checkout Windows-style,
    • Click Next again to use MinTTY,
    • Click Next again to use the default git pull,
    • Click Next again to use the Git Credential Manager Core,
    • Click Next again to enable file system caching, and then
    • Click Install because we do not need experimental features.
  7. The progress bar should not take too long to finish. To test if it is installed, you can search for Git Bash in the Windows search now to run it.

3.3 - Using Raw Images in GitHub and Hugo in Compatible Fashion

We need raw images

This tutorial teaches how to add images on GitHub and use them in your markdown file that can be rendered in Hugo and markdownon GitHub.


Keywords: github


  1. Upload your image to GitHub in the images directory

  2. Click on the image file and then right click on it and click Open image in new tab

  3. Use the URL shown in the address bar of the new tab to paste into the markdown file.

  4. When using the file, please add a caption; also, if it is copied, make the citation which should point to the reference section

![database sample](https://github.com/cybertraining-dsc/cybertraining-dsc.github.io/raw/main/content/en/docs/tutorial/reu/github/images/images-download.png)

**Figure 2:** Sample Database file obtained from the USGS
water-quality database for the year 2017 [^1]

## Refernces


3.4 - Using Raw Images in GitHub and Hugo in Compatible Fashion

We need raw images

This tutorial teaches how to add images on GitHub and use them in your markdown file that can be rendered in Hugo and markdownon GitHub.


Keywords: github

How to use images is clearly shown in our template at


3.5 - Uploading Files to Google Colab

Google Drive File upload for Google Colab


This tutorial teaches how to import CSV’s into a Google Colab .ipynb.


Keywords: colab


There are two different methods of uploading files to Google Colab Jupyter notebooks. One way is to have the user upload the file to the user’s Google Drive before running the notebook. Another way is to have the notebook ask the user to upload a file directly into the notebook from the user’s computer. This tutorial outlines both ways.

The notebook code with both methods can be found here

Read File from Drive

This code will read a CSV file using pandas. Before running it, the user must upload the CSV file to the Google Drive of the same Google account on which it runs the notebook in Colab (e.g., your account). The CSV file in this example is titled kag_risk_factors_cervical_cancer but please rename it accordingly to match the file you would like to upload.

Cell 1:

import pandas as pd
from google.colab import drive 
drive.mount("/content/gdrive", force_remount=True)
# The next line of code will tell Colab to read kag_risk_factors_cervical_cancer.csv in your Drive (not in any subfolders)
# so you should alter the code to match whichever .csv you would like to upload.
df=pd.read_csv('gdrive/My Drive/kag_risk_factors_cervical_cancer.csv')
# The next two lines of code convert question marks to NaN and converts values to numeric type, consider 
# removing the next two lines if not necessary.
df = df.replace('?', np.nan) 
# If this cell successfully runs then it should output the first five rows, as requested in the next line of code

Colab will ask you to click on a blue link and sign in with your account. Once done, the user must copy a code and paste it into the box on Colab for authentication purposes. Press Enter after pasting it into the box.

If it outputs an error along the lines of unknown directory, try rerunning the two cells and ensuring that your CSV is not in any folders inside Google drive. You can also alter the code to point it to a subdirectory if needed.

Read File from Direct Upload

To read it with built-in Colab methods, you can use the following code:

Cell 1:

from google.colab import files
df = files.upload()

The user will be prompted to click Browse... and to find the file on the user’s local computer to upload. Sometimes trying to upload the file will give this error:

MessageError: RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded.

In this case, the user should click the folder icon on the left side of Google Colab window, then the paper with an arrow icon (to upload a file), then upload the CSV you wish to use. Then rerunning Cell 1 is not necessary. Simply proceed to Cell 2. If this still does not work, see this stackoverflow page for further information.

Cell 2:

# The next two lines of code convert question marks to NaN and converts values to numeric type, consider 
# removing the next two lines if not necessary.
df = df.replace('?', np.nan) 
# If this cell successfully runs then it should output the first five rows, as requested in the next line of code

Remember to rename the instances of kag_risk_factors_cervical_cancer.csv accordingly so that it matches your file name.


Credit to Carlos who provided the cell to upload the file directly.

3.6 - Adding SSH Keys for a GitHub Repository

Using SSH keys with GitHub

This tutorial teaches how to configure an SSH Key on GitHub so that you can clone, commit, pull, and push to repositories (repos).


Keywords: ssh


Please ensure that you have Git (Git Bash) and a repository on GitHub. This tutorial was created with the REU program in mind, where the students are provided with a GitHub repository. If you are not in REU, then you can create a new repository on GitHub and clone that instead.

  1. Open Git Bash by pressing the Windows key, typing git bash, and pressing Enter.

  2. Then, go on GitHub, click on your profile icon in the top right, click Settings, and click SSH and GPG keys on the left hand side. Confirm that there are no SSH keys associated with your account. If there are keys, then perhaps you have made some already. This tutorial focuses on creating a new one.

  3. Go back to Git Bash and type ssh-keygen. Press Enter. Press Enter again when it asks you the file in which to save the key (it should say Enter file in which to save the key (/c/Users/USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa):.

    1. If you have already created a key here, it will ask you if you would like to overwrite the file. Type y and press Enter.
  4. Enter a password that you will remember for your SSH key. It will not appear as you type it, so make sure you get it right the first time. Press Enter after typing the password that you come up with.

  5. After seeing the randomart image associated with your SSH, you should be able to type a new command. Type cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub and press Enter. Your key will appear— remember that this should not be shared with others. The key begins with ssh-rsa and it may end with your username. Copy this entire key by clicking and dragging over it, right-clicking, and clicking Copy.

  6. Return to your web browser which is on the GitHub SSH key settings page. Click the green button that reads New SSH Key and type a Title for this key. You should name it something memorable and distinct; for example, if you just generated the key on your desktop computer, a suitable name is Desktop. If generated on your laptop, name it Laptop, or if you have numerous laptops, differentiate them with distinct names, and so on.

    1. If you only have one computer and you have preexisting keys on this page, maybe some which you do not remember the password to or have fallen out of use, consider deleting them (as long as you are sure this will not break anything).
  7. Paste the key into the key box. You should have copied it from Git Bash in Step #5. Then, click the green button that reads Add SSH key. Congratulations— you have successfully configured your SSH key. Now we will try cloning your REU repository.

  8. Navigate to your repository. It should be in the cybertraining-dsc directory with a name format of xxxx-reu-xxx. Once you are on that page, click the green button that reads Code with a download symbol. Click the SSH option and click on the clipboard next to the link so that you copy it. It should say Copied! after you click on it.

  9. Decide where you want your repository folder to be stored. This tutorial will clone the repo into the Documents folder. Go back to Git Bash and type cd ~/Documents and press Enter. It is a good idea to create a folder titled reu for organization. Type mkdir reu and press Enter. Type cd reu and press Enter. Finally, type git clone, and after you put a space after clone, paste the copied link from GitHub. For example, your command should look similar to this: git clone git@github.com:cybertraining-dsc/su21-reu-361.git Then, press Enter.

    1. The shortcut Ctrl + V does not work in Git Bash for pasting. Instead, you can press Shift + Insert to paste.
  10. Type in your password for your SSH key and press Enter. The repo should clone with no issue. You can now type code . and press Enter to open VSCode in this directory. Click Yes, I trust the authors if prompted in VSCode. If you use PyCharm instead of VSCode, you can open it from Windows search; inside of PyCharm, click File, Open... and then navigate to C:, Users, your username, Documents, and then click on reu so it is highlighted in blue and then click OK. If PyCharm asks, you can choose to open it in This Window or a New Window.

3.7 - Installing Python

Installing Python


This tutorial teaches how to install Python on Windows 10. It can be similarly installed also on macOS and Linux.


Keywords: python


Click the following image to be redirected to a 2-minute YouTube walkthrough.

  1. First, open the url https://www.python.org/downloads/ in any web browser.

  2. As of June 2021, the latest version of Python is 3.9.6. You may see a different number. We recommend you use the newest official version which is provided to you by simply clicking the button under “Download the latest version for Windows”.

  3. Once the download has completed, open the file by clicking on it in your Downloads pane.

  4. Be sure to check the box that reads “Add Python x.x to PATH”. This will allow you to run commands from the terminal/command prompt.

  5. Click “Install Now”. The default options that entail this selection are appropriate.

    1. The UAC prompt will pop up. UAC stands for “User Account Control” and exists so that the computer will not have unauthorized changes performed on it. Click “Yes” because Python is safe. School-issued computers may ask for an administrator password, so contact your IT department or professor.
  6. The installation will take some time.

  7. If the setup was successful, then it will say so. Click “Close”.

  8. Click the “Type here to search” box in the bottom-left of the screen, type “cmd”, and press Enter.

    1. An alternative method is to press the Windows key and the “R” key at the same time, type “cmd”, and press Enter. This is convenient for those who like to use the keyboard.
  9. Type python --version and the output should read “Python x.x.x”; as long as it is the latest version from the website, congratulations. Python is installed on the computer.


Click the following image to be redirected to a 5-minute YouTube walkthrough. (Yes, Mac’s video is a little longer, but do not fret! You can skip to the 1:00 minute mark if you are in a hurry.)

  1. First, open the url https://www.python.org/downloads/ in any web browser.

  2. Underneath Download the latest version for Mac OS X, there should be a yellow button that reads Download Python x.x.x. Click on it, and the download should commence.

  3. Once the download finishes, open it by clicking on it. The installer will open. Click Continue, click Continue again, and click Continue again. Read the agreements.

  4. Click Agree.

    1. If you want to check how much free storage you have on your computer, click the Apple icon in the top left of your computer. Click About This Mac and then click on Storage. As of July 2021, Python takes ~120 MB of space. Remember that 1 GB = 1000 MB.
  5. Click Install. Enter your password and press Enter. The installation will take a while.

  6. A Finder window will open. You can close it as it is unnecessary. Click Close in the bottom-right of the installer. Click Move to Trash because you do not need the installer anymore.

  7. Next confirm that Python installed correctly. Click the magnifying glass in the top-right of your screen and then type terminal into Spotlight Search. Double-click Terminal.

    1. The terminal will be used frequently. Consider keeping it in the dock for convenience. Click and hold the Terminal in the dock, go to Options, and click Keep in Dock.
  8. Type python3 --version into the terminal and press Enter. It should output the latest version of Python. Congratulations!


Click the following image to be redirected to a 9-minute YouTube walkthrough. (Linux’s tutorial is the longest, but it is worth it.) This tutorial uses Ubuntu, but it should work on other Linux distros, as well.

  • Naturally we recommend that you read all of the licensing information.
  1. First, open the url https://www.python.org/downloads/ in any web browser.

  2. Look at the latest version. It is on the yellow button: Download Python x.x.x. You do not need to click this button. Remember this version number.

  3. Open a terminal by pressing the Windows key or by clicking the grid on the bottom left of your screen. Type terminal. Click on the Terminal result that appears.

  4. Next, prepare your system:

Note: If you want to check how much disk space you have, you can use

$ df -h /
Filesystem       Size   Used  Avail Capacity iused       ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1s5s1  1.8Ti   14Gi  387Gi     4%  553757 19538475003    0%   /

The value under Avail will be your available space. Make sure you have sufficient space.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt install -y wget curl
$ sudo apt install -y openssl libssl-dev
$ sudo apt install -y build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev 
$ sudo apt install -y libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev  libreadline-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev libbz2-dev
  1. After this finishes, type cd /opt and press Enter. Then, remember which version you read on the Python webpage (the latest version) and add it as environment variable PV to your terminal so we can more easily execute commands that include the version number. Type:

    $ PV=3.9.6
    $ sudo wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/$PV/Python-$PV.tgz
    $ sudo tar xzvf Python-$PV.tgz
    $ cd Python-$PV
    $ ./configure --enable-optimizations
    $ make
    $ sudo make altinstall
  2. Confirm Python’s successful installation by typing pythonx.x --version; be sure to replace x.x with the first two numbers of the version number. It should output the latest version number. Congratulations!

Python venv

Before you install packages, you need to create a Python venv in your local environment. We typically do this with

$ python3.9 -m venv ~/ENV3
$ source ~/ENV3/bin/activate

or for Windows executed in git bash

$ python -m venv ~/ENV3
$ source ~/ENV3/Scripts/activate


Incorrect Python Version on Command Prompt (Windows)

If the Windows computer has previously installed an older version of Python, running python --version on Command Prompt may output the previously installed older version. Typing python3 --version may output the correct, latest version.

3.8 - Installing Visual Studio Code

Installing Visual Studio Code


This tutorial teaches how to install Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.


Keywords: visual-studio-code


Click the following image to be redirected to a YouTube video tutorial for installing Visual Studio Code (also called VSCode).

Sidenote: An exasperated reader may wonder, “why go through steps 1-3 when it can be as easy as clicking a link to the VSCode download page?” This would be easier, but hyperlinks (or URLs) are bound to change through the years of website maintenance and alterations. (One could also argue that steps 1-3 could become incorrect, as well, but hopefully they will not.) If you, time-traveler, would like to try your luck, go here: https://code.visualstudio.com/download

If the link works, skip to step 4.

P.S. It should be second-nature to a user to quickly search, find, download, and install a program. It is vital to ensure that the correct program is downloaded and installed, however. Over time, guides like this one can become deprecated, but one must be resilient in problem-solving. Use search engines like Google to find what you are looking for. If one path does not work, take another that will lead to the same destination or a better one.

  1. Open up your favorite web browser. This can be done by pressing the Windows key and typing in the name of the browser, like google chrome (as long as this browser is already installed on your computer). Then press Enter.

  2. Once the browser loads, search for visual studio code through the address bar. Press Enter and you will see a list of results through the default search engine (Google, Bing, or whatever is configured on your browser).

  3. Identify the result that reads code.visualstudio.com. If using Google, a subresult should read Download. Click that link.

  4. This tutorial assumes that the reader is using Windows. Click the blue link that reads Windows. The download will commence; wait for it to finish.

  5. Click and open the file once it finishes; the license agreement will appear. If you are proficient in legalese, you can read the wall of text. Then, click I accept the agreement and click Next.

  6. Click Next again; it is best to leave the default install path alone for reproducibility in this experiment.

  7. Click Next again to create a Start Menu folder. Ensure that Add to PATH is checked. Create a desktop icon can be checked for convenience; it is up to the reader’s choice. Then click Next.

  8. Click Install and watch the green progress bar go at the speed of light. Once completed, click Finish. VSCode will open as long as everything went smoothly.

4 - Tutorial on Using venv in PyCharm

Setting ENV3 in PyCharm so you will do no harm

Jacques Fleischer


This tutorial teaches how to set PyCharm to use a venv.


Keywords: venv


Please ensure that you have Git (Git Bash), Python, and PyCharm. If you do not have those, look for the tutorials to install them.

This tutorial was created with the REU program in mind, where the students are provided with a GitHub repository. If you are not in REU, then you can create a new repository on GitHub and clone that instead.

Click the following image to be redirected to a YouTube video tutorial for setting venv in PyCharm. Please keep in mind that this video follows directions that are somewhat different from the written instructions below. REU students should follow the written instructions over the video. Otherwise, in the video, you should skip to timestamp 8:19 unless you do not have Git or a venv, in which case you should watch the entire video.

  1. If you have not already cloned your reu repository, you need to follow a separate tutorial which involves setting up your SSH key on GitHub, which can be found here.

  2. Open PyCharm. If this is your first time opening PyCharm, then it will say Welcome to PyCharm. You should have cloned your repo to a particular location on your computer; click Open and then locate your reu folder. Once you have found it, click on it so it is highlighted in blue and then click OK. Alternatively, if you have used PyCharm before, your previous project should open, in which case you should click File and Open... to open your repo (if it is not already open).

  3. Please ensure that you have already configured a venv through Git Bash. If you have not, then read and follow this tutorial.

  4. In the top-right of PyCharm, click on the button that reads Add Configuration.... Click Add new... on the left underneath No run configurations added. and then scroll and click Python. Give this a name; you can just type Python venv. Next to Python interpreter, choose Python x.x (ENV3). The x.x will depend on which version of Python you have. Then click OK.

    1. The button might not read Add Configuration.... If you have configured a run configuration previously, then you can create a new one. Click the button right next to the green play button in the top-right of PyCharm. Then, it should say Edit Configurations... which you must click on. Change the Python interpreter to be the ENV3 one, as outlined in Step #4.
  5. You also have to click Python x.x in the bottom-right of PyCharm, next to main. From there, choose Python x.x (ENV3). To verify that your virtual environment is working, click on Terminal in the bottom-left of PyCharm. Click the + (plus) icon next to Local to start a new terminal. It should say (ENV3) next to your current working directory. Congratulations!

5 - 10 minus 4 Monitoring Tools for your Nvidia GPUs on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

We present several simple to use monitoring tools to inspect your GPUs on your computer.

Please use this link for an up to date story: medium.com

1. Introduction

So you have installed your long-awaited graphics card from NVIDIA and like to observe its utilization. You may be familiar with nvidia-smi, but there is more to this tool as you may know. We will provide you with some examples of what you can do with it. Furthermore, we will showcase several tools that allow you to monitor the card(s) as they provide more sophisticated visualizations. We present graphics and terminal commands. The reason why terminal commands are so popular is that they can be called in containers, but also through simple remote shell invocations where it may be inconvenient to use a GUI.

Although we started with the hope that all of them are easy to install, we found out that only five of the 10 did install without issues. We found especially a lack of documentation on the other tools to make them work. Naturally, we have other things to do as likely you, so we did not spend any time trying to fix the things. Instead, we moved on and looked at other tools that are easier to install and work.

We hope with our review we safe you time.

2. Preface

  • Notation: We use in the document some commands issued on the terminal, and prepend them with a ‘$’ to easily distinguish them from other text.

  • Operating system: We restricted this review to tools that are available on Ubuntu as this is what we use to interact with the cards. Several tools also exist for windows, but this may be a topic for another day.

3. Python3 venv

Some of the tools come as python packages and in order not to effect your default python installation we recommend using a python virtual environment. We use in our virtual environment python 3.9. To do so make sure you have python 3.9 installed, which you can obtain in various ways.

Then create and source it and you should be ready to go after you execute the following commands:

$ python3 -m venv ~/ENV3
$ source ~/ENV3/bin/activate
$ pip install pip -U

To permanently add it to your startup, please add the line:

source ~/ENV3/bin/activate

to your .bash_profile file

4. The tools to monitor your NVIDIA Cards

4.1 nvidia-smi

After you installed the Nvidia drivers and programs you will find a program called nvidia-smi. You simply can call it with

$ nvidia-smi

This gives you the current status of the cards.

| NVIDIA-SMI 460.73.01    Driver Version: 460.73.01    CUDA Version: 11.2     |
| GPU  Name        Persistence-M| Bus-Id        Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
| Fan  Temp  Perf  Pwr:Usage/Cap|         Memory-Usage | GPU-Util  Compute M. |
|                               |                      |               MIG M. |
|   0  GeForce RTX 3090    On   | 00000000:0B:00.0  On |                  N/A |
| 32%   27C    P8    15W / 350W |    618MiB / 24234MiB |      1%      Default |
|                               |                      |                  N/A |
| Processes:                                                                  |
|  GPU   GI   CI        PID   Type   Process name                  GPU Memory |
|        ID   ID                                                   Usage      |
|    0   N/A  N/A      1544      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                102MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      2663      G   /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg                387MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      2797      G   /usr/bin/gnome-shell               89MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      4866      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox            4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      7884      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox            4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A      8939      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox            4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A     10674      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox            4MiB |
|    0   N/A  N/A     11148      G   /usr/lib/firefox/firefox            4MiB |

To get a repeated update you can use the command

$ nvidia-smi -l 1

where the parameter after the -l specifies the time in seconds between updates. However it to avoid past traces to be showing up in your command history, you can also use

$ watch -n 1 nvidia-smi

which we prefer. Unkown to some users I spoke to they did not know that this command comes with a lot of features you can access from the command line to customize your query. To find out more about it use the commands

$ nvidia-smi --help-query-compute-apps


$ nvidia-smi --help

to get inspired. Here is for example a command that returns the content of a specific query of selected attributes in csv format for further processing.

Examples are:

$nvidia-smi --query-gpu=timestamp,temperature.gpu --format=csv
timestamp, temperature.gpu
2021/05/30 10:39:37.436, 26
$ nvidia-smi --query-gpu=name,index,temperature.gpu,utilization.gpu,utilization.memory,memory.total,memory.free,memory.used --format=csv,noheader,nounits
GeForce RTX 3090, 0, 30, 0, 0, 24234, 23512, 722

4.2 gpustat

gpustat is a minimal terminal command that lists a subset of nvidia-smi.

It is easily installable with

$ pip install gpustat

you can call it repeatedly with

gpustat -cp --watch


watch -n 1 -c gpustat -cp --color

To see more options use

gpustat -h

The output looks similar to

hostname Sun May 30 12:29:59 2021  460.73.01
[0] GeForce RTX 3090 | 27'C,   1 % |   659 / 24234 MB | gdm(102M) username(413M) ...

4.3 nvtop

nvtop is a top-like task monitor for NVIDIA GPUs. It can handle multiple GPUs.

Nvtop could not be installed via pip install as it uses an outdated Nvidia library by default. Hence it is best to install it from the source as follows:

$ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
$ git clone https://github.com/Syllo/nvtop.git
$ mkdir -p nvtop/build && cd nvtop/build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install

Now run it with

$ nvtop

The output looks like

Figure: Nvtop Screenshot

Figure: Nvtop Screenshot

4.4 gmonitor

gmonitor is a simple GPU monitoring program for monitoring core usage, VRAM usage, PCI-E and memory bus usage, and the temperature of the GPU.

It is easy to install with

git clone https://github.com/mountassir/gmonitor.git
cd gmonitor/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

you start it with


It looks as shown in the next figure.

Figure: gmonitor

Figure: gmonitor

4.5 glances

Glances is a top-like tool that reports on many different aspects of the system and not just GPUs. The tool is easy to install with

pip install py3nvml
sudo pip install glances[gpu]

You can start it with

$ glances

However, if you use a white background use

$ glances --theme-white

Figure: Glances Screenshot

Note: All other tools listed here had installation issues. However, we did not spend time to debug them as any of the previous tools seem sufficient. However, some of the best looking GUI tools are in the list that did not install easily.

4.6 Install Issues: GreenWithEnvy

GreenWithEnvy is a good looking application, however, also its install is not possible on my system as it fails with an install issue of pycairo. The ode is available on GitLab Its instalation was only possible with fflatpack:

$ sudo apt install flatpak
$ flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
$ flatpak --user install flathub com.leinardi.gwe
$ flatpak update

Run it with

$ flatpak run com.leinardi.gwe

Figure: Green with envy main sceen

Figure: Green with envy historical data

4.7 Install Issues: nvidia-system-monitor

As we have not installed qt we were suspicious about if this install would even work. Unfortunately, the documentation does not provide enough information on how to install qt. and make it work. The Web page for the tool is located at


It seems to be complex to install qt for free on a system, thus we have not followed up on this any further.

4.8 Install Issues: nvgpu

The Web page is located at Nvgpu

This module could not be easily installed even though we installed

sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev
sudo apt-get install liblzma
pip install -U nvgpu
nvgpu available

it returns

/home/USER/ENV3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pandas/compat/__init__.py:97: UserWarning: Could not import the lzma module. Your installed Python is incomplete. Attempting to use lzma compression will result in a RuntimeError.

4.9 Install Issues: nvitop

nvitop is Aa interactive NVIDIA-GPU process viewer, the one-stop solution for GPU process management. However, it is not installable on my system via pip install, not via compilation from the source.

The information on the Web site on how to fix the dependency on nvidia-ml-py==11.450.51 and how to fix it could be better described

4.10 Install Issues: pgme

The tool pgme could not be installed on Linux as its instructions were incomplete and did not work even after installation of go with

sudo snap install go --classic


We have shown you several tools for monitoring your GPUs. We found that these tools are incredibly useful to make sure your system operates properly. This is especially the case for showing workloads and temperatures, as well as the available software versions to interact with the cards.

Which one of the tools you like maybe a personal choice. Although nvidia-smi is the go-to tool, others provide quite good insights while visualizing historical trends enhancing the experience when you for example, run workloads over time.

We naturally like nvidia-sm as it simply works and you can customize its output, while repeatedly displaying its values with watch.

Form tho other tools we liked nvtop do its graphical history, ‘gmonitorfor displaying the values in a diagram, andglancesfor more then GPU information. If you are really tight in space,gpustat` may be for you. All other tools could unfortunately not easily be installed.

Please leave us a note about which tools you prefer and let us know about tools that we have not listed here. Make sure they can easily be installed. If you have better instructions on how to install the tools with issues on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS please comment or provide us a pointer. We will then try it out and update this post.

6 - Example test

This post is an example so you can easily add new content.

7 -

Python related tutorials