Project: Hand Tracking with AI

In this project we study the ability of an AI to recognize letters from the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet. We use a Convolutional Neural Network and apply it to a dataset of hands in different positionings showing the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ in ASL. With this we build a model to recognize the letter and output the letter it predicts.

Check Report Status Status: draft, Type: Project

David Umanzor, su21-reu-364, Edit


In this project, we study the ability of an AI to recognize letters from the American Sign Language (ASL) alphabet. We use a Convolutional Neural Network and apply it to a dataset of hands in different positionings showing the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’ in ASL. The proposed CNN model receives an ASL image and recognizes the feature of the image, generating the predicted letter.


Keywords: ai, object recognition, image processing, computer vision, american sign language.

1. Introduction

Object detection and feature selection are essential tasks in computer vision and have been approached from various perspectives over the past few decades 1. The brain uses object recognition to solve an inverse problem: one where (surface properties, shapes, and arrangements of objects) need to be inferred from the perceived outcome of the image formation process 2. Visual object recognition as a neural substrate in humans was revealed by neuropsychological studies. There are specific brain regions that cause object recognition, yet we still do not understand how the brain achieves this remarkable behavior 3. Human beings rely and rapidly recognize objects despite considerable retinal image transformations arising from changes in lighting, image size, position, and viewing angle 3.

A gesture is a form of nonverbal communication done with positions and movements of the hand, arms, body parts, hand shapes, movements of the lips or face 4. One of the key differences of hand gestures is that they allow communication over a long distance 5. American Sign Language (ASL) is a formal language that has the same lingual properties as oral languages commonly used by deaf people to communicate [6]. ASL typically is formed by the finger, hand, and arm positioning and can contain static and dynamic movement or a combination of both to communicate words and meanings to another 6. Communication with other people can be challenging because people are not typically willing to learn sign language 6.

In this paper, we consider the problem of detecting and understanding American Sign Language. We test CNN’s ability to recognize the ASL alphabet. As advancements in technology increase, there are more improvements to 2D methods of hand detection. Commonly these methods are visual-based, using color, shape, and edge to detect and recognize the hand 7. There are issues to these technologies like inconsistent lighting conditions, non-hand color similarity, and varying viewpoints that can decrease the model’s ability to recognize the hand and its positioning. We use a Convolutional Neural Network to create the model and detect different letters of American Sign Language.

2. Data Sets

In this research we use two sources of datasets, the first is from kaggle which it was already prepared but we needed more. The second is self made dataset by take images in good lighting against a white wall, it was then cropped to 400x400 pixels focused on the hand. The program then sets the images to grayscale as the color is not needed for this research. Finally, the images are reduced to 50x50 resolution for the AI to use for training.

Figure 1

Figure 1: Dataset of hands doing different alphabet letters in ASL 5.

3. Documentation

Figure 2

Figure 2: The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model.

This model shows the CNN model that we used to train the AI. The CNN takes pictures and breaks them down into smaller segments called features. It is trained to find patterns and features over the images allowing the CNN to predict an ‘a’, ‘b’, or ‘c’ upon the given ASL image with high accuracy. A CNN uses a convolution operation that filters every possible position the feature it collected can be matched to and attempts to find where it fits in 8. This process is repeated and becomes the convolution layer or in the image depicted as Conv2d + Relu. The ReLU stands for the rectified linear unit and is used as an activation function for the CNN 9.

  • [] What is a Relu operation? ReLU operation is a rectified linear unit and is used as an activation function for the CNN, we use a Leaky ReLU in our model because it is easy to use to train the model quickly and it has a small tolerance for negatives values unlike the normal ReLU fuction. add figure of a leaky ReLU

  • [] What is a Conv2d? Conv2d is a 2D Convolution layer meant for a images as it uses height and width. They build a filter across the image by recognizing the similarities of the image

  • [] What is a BashNormalization operation? Batch Normalization is a process that standardizes the updates as the Convolutional process sets weights and as the neural network goes through each layer the procedure keeps adjusting to a target that never stays the same, requiring more epochs and and reduces the time it takes to train a deep learning neural network. :Reference 12:

  • [] what is Maxpooling operation? Maximum pooling is an operation the gathers the biggest number in each collection of each feature map. This provides a way to avoid over-fitting

  • [] what is Fully Connected?

  • [] what is Softmax operation?

4. Methodology

In this research, we built the model using a convolution neural network (CNN) to create an AI that can recognize ASL letters (‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’), using a collection of 282 images. The Dataset contains 94 images for each letter to train the AI’s CNN. This can be expanded to allow an AI to recognize letters, words, and any expression that can be made using a still image of the hands. A CNN fits this perfectly as we can use its ability to assign importance to segments of an image and tell the difference from one another using weights and biases. With the proper training, it is able to learn and identify these characteristics [9].

5. Benchmark

Figure 3

Figure 3: The Confusion Matrix of the finished CNN model.

The Confusion Matrix shows the results of the model after being tested on its ability to recognize each letter, in the image it shows that the AI had a difficult time recognizing the difference between an ‘a’ and ‘c’ only getting 6% of the images labelled as ‘c’ correct.

6. Conclusion

We build a model to recognize an ASL given an image and predict the corresponding letter using a convolutional neural network. The model provides a means of 66% accuracy in classifying the ASL among the three classes ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’. From the given results, the letters ‘a’ and ‘c’ became the most difficult for the CNN to differentiate from each other, as shown in the confusion matrix in figure 3. We suggest that the low accuracy rate is based on similar appearing grayscale of the letters ‘a’ and ‘c’ and the lack of a larger dataset for the AI to learn from. We determine that using a larger dataset of the entire alphabet and increasing the number of examples of each letter to train the AI could improve the results.

We found that the low accuracy can be increased by improving the resolution of the image giving the program more features to go off of in its computing to recognize the image, going from model 1 at 50 x 50 pixels to model 2 at 80 x 80 pixels there was an increase from 66% to 76% in accuracy, this in theory should improve as the resolution of the image increases from 100x 100 to 200x 200 and at the best the image’s resolution would be left at the original size off 400 x 400. This is accuracy increase would be because as the resolution drops the program has less information and some of the important landmarks of the hand are lost due to the resolution of the image.

  • Correct formatting and grammar

Future studies using a larger dataset can be applied to more complex methods than just singular letters but words from the ASL language to recreate a text to speech software based around ASL hand positioning.

7. Acknowledgments

We thank Carlos Theran (Florida A & M University) for advising, guidance, and resources used in the research; We thank Yohn Jairo (Florida A & M University) for guidance and aid on the research report; We thank Gregor von Laszewki (Florida A & M University) for advice and commenting on the code and report; We thank the Polk State LSAMP Program for aid in obtaining this opportunity. We thank Florida A & M University for funding this research.

8. References

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