Execution-Time Performance of Deep Learning Networks on CPU, GPU and TPU Runtime Environments

:o2: avoid using images, instaed use tables from markdown. Performabnce tables can be copied as is.


A performance review of execution times on Google Colab, for five deep learning network examples, was conducted on CPU, GPU and TPU runtime environments using the MNIST dataset. The networks were 1) a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) network, 2) a convolutional neural network (CNN), 3) a recurrent neural network (RNN), 4) a long short-term memory network (LSTM), and 5) an autoencoder.

General findings

Training times (Table 1) for all five network exemplars were significantly better on the GPU runtime environment than on Google Colab’s CPU environment. Of the networks, the CNN had the greatest performance improvement on GPUs than CPUs only, with a speedup of over 33 times (3332%). This was followed by the LSTM, which had a speedup of over 22 times (2257%), while speed ups for the autoencoder, MLP and RNN were 1464%, 697% and 229% respectively.

Execution time performance for model testing was also significantly better on GPUs than CPUs, for the exemplars. Speedups for the LSTM, CNN, RNN, autoencoder and MLP where 1113%, 915%, 601%, 326%, and 177% respectively.

The TPU runtime environment performed worse than the CPU environment, on training times for the autoencoder, RNN and CNN. Performance time declines were most significant for the autoencoder (-10%). TPU training times were nevertheless significantly better for the LSTM (+9%), and marginally better for the MLP (+1%), than on CPU runtime. All model exemplars performed worse on model evaluation times, on TPUs than on CPUs.


To leverage advantages of using TPUs, optimizations could have been applied to the code used for the performance evaluations [^1]. Nevertheless, no customizations were made to the code used, for a head-to-head comparison in the environments. The network code examples were simply run under the three runtime environment options by changing the relevant Colab notebook settings.


Table 1: Summary of CPU, GPU, TPU Performance Table 1

Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Example using MNIST Dataset

Table 2: MLP using CPUs only Table 2

Table 3: MLP using GPUs Table 3

Table 4: MLP using TPUs Table 4

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Example using MNIST Dataset

Table 5: CNN using CPUs only Table 5

Table 6: CNN using GPUs Table 6

Table 7: CNN using TPUs Table 7

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) Example using MNIST Dataset

Table 8: RNN using CPUs only Table 8

Table 9: RNN using GPUs Table 9

Table 10: RNN using TPUs Table 10

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Example using MNIST Dataset

Table 11: LSTM using CPUs only Table 11

Table 12: LSTM using GPUs Table 12

Table 13: LSTM using TPUs Table 13

Autoencoder Example using MNIST Dataset

Table 14: Autoencoder using CPUs only Table 14

Table 15: Autoencoder using GPUs Table 15

Table 16: Autoencoder using TPUs Table 16


[^1]. Google. (2021, 03 26). TPUs in Colab. Retrieved from [https://colab.research.google.com/:] (https://colab.research.google.com/notebooks/tpu.ipynb#scrollTo=kvPXiovhi3ZZ)