
List of courses.

With the help of modules, one can assemble their own courses. Courses can be designed individually or for a class with multiple students.

One of the main tools to export such courses is bookmanager which you can find out about at

2021 REU Course

This course introduces the REU students to various topics in Intelligent Systems Engineering. The course was taught in Summer 2021.

AI-First Engineering Cybertraining

This course introduces the students to AI-First principles. The notes are prepared for the course taught in 2021.

Big Data 2020

This course introduces the students to Cloud Big Data Applications. The notes are prepared for the course taught in 2020.

REU 2020

This course introduces the REU students to various topics in Intelligent Systems Engineering. The course was taught in Summer 2020.

Big Data 2019

This coursebook introduces the students to Cloud Big Data Applications

Cloud Computing

This is a large volume that introduces you to many aspects of cloud computing.

Data Science to Help Society

In this module, we will learn how to apply data science for the good of society. We introduce two examples, one for COVID-19, the other for hydrology.

Intelligent Systems

This book introduces you to the concepts used to build Intelligent Systems.


You will learn here about using Linux while focussing mostly on shell command line usage.


Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.


You will have the opportunity to learn more about OpenStack. OpenStack is a Cloud toolkit allowing you to do Bare metal and virtual machine provisioning. Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.


You will find here information about learning the Python Programming language and learn about its ecosystem.

MNIST Classification on Google Colab

In this mini-course, you will learn how to use Google Colab while using the well known MNIST example

Last modified August 13, 2021 : Update (852cffb1)