DevOps with AWS

AWS cloud offering comes with end-to-end scalable and most performant support for DevOps

AWS cloud offering comes with end-to-end scalable and most performant support for DevOps, all the way from automatic deployment and monitoring of infrastructure-as-code to our cloud-applications-code. AWS provides various DevOp tools to make the deployment and support automation as simple as possible.

AWS DevOp Tools

Following is the list of DevOp tools for CI/CD workflows.

AWS DevOp Tool Description
CodeStar AWS CodeStar provides unified UI to enable simpler deployment automation.
CodePipeline CI/CD service for faster and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
CodeBuild Fully managed build service that complies, tests and creates software packages that are ready to deploy.
CodeDeploy Deployment automation tool to deploy to on-premise and on-cloud EC2 instances with near-to-zero downtime during the application deployments.

Infrastructure Automation

AWS provides services to make micro-services easily deployable onto containers and serverless platforms.

AWS DevOp Infrastructure Tool Description
Elastic Container Service Highly scalable container management service.
CodePipeline CI/CD service for faster and reliable application and infrastructure updates.
AWS Lambda Serverless Computing using Function-as-service (FaaS) methodologies .
AWS CloudFormation Tool to create and manage related AWS resources.
AWS OpsWorks Server Configuration Management Tool.

Monitoring and Logging

AWS DevOp Monitoring Tool Description
Amazon CloudWatch Tool to monitor AWS resources and cloud applications to collect and track metrics, logs and set alarms.
AWS X-Ray Allows developers to analyze and troubleshoot performance issues of their cloud applications and micro-services.

For more information, please visit Amazon AWS [1].


[1] Amazon AWS, DevOps and AWS. Amazon, 2019 [Online]. Available:

Last modified June 17, 2021 : add aliasses (6b7beab5)